My company are now using a docking engine which requires MOL2 as input. Since I use rdkit alot, I want to use rdkit to save mol2 file, while rdkit doesn’t support Tripos MOL2 format in current release. I don’t want to move to OpenBabel or other packages because I’m lazy ;P. So how about write one MOL2 writer?
I have found many email or issue of rdkit, and I found a pull request after I write this script (Sad!). When I wrote these script, I haven’t notict this pull request, but I have read MOL2 scripts of UCSF Chimera and an introduction for MOL2 format. Chimera has many internal atom types which is perfectly matching MOL2 supported atom types, while rdkit don’t. For example, the amide bond. If I directly write bond type of amide bond, most MOL2 reader take this a rotatable single bond… Thus the only solution is use SMARTS pattern matching to assign MOL2 atom types.